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    "The Taxpayer: That’s someone who works for the federal government but doesn’t have to take the civil service examination"

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S::CAN spectro::lyser water monitor

  • s::can on-line spectrometer probe
  • on-line spectrometer probe in wastewater
  • Spectrometer probe measurement path

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S::CAN - spectro::lyser

Product Description

Utilizing spectrometry, the spectrometer probes are the first and only instruments in the world that can measure optical spectra from 200 to 750 nm directly in liquid media. Measure a combination of TOC, DOC, BOD, Nitrate, Nitrite, BTX, turbidity, TSS, UV-254, color, ozone, temperature, and pressure all from one instrument in addition to monitoring for contaminants and providing an alarm when identified. There are no reagents used, no need for regular calibrations, and the probes utilize self cleaning systems for minimal maintenance requirements .



Please contact us directly for a quotation

Call (415) 808-2469




    "I am sincerely grateful for your effort and expertise in this matter. Your skill in listening and understanding our problem and issues was impressive, appreciated and honestly, rare. I look like a hero because of your actions! Your helpfulness and courtesy will surely be passed on."

    Environmental Health and Safety Manager
    UC Davis

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